
Deploying Science of Collaboration Insights: The F4SS PACT Template

Strategic Collaboration Service – Session 2 of 2

Jun 18, 2024 11:00 AM

In this enlightening session, Michael Taylor, co-founder and head of research at SchellingPoint, unveils how groundbreaking insights from the Science of Collaboration are transforming group-based decision-making and collaborative action. These insights have been harnessed to create over 130 templates for common business topics.

Key Points:

1.   Science of Collaboration: Taylor will delve into the core principles behind effective collaboration. Learn how understanding group dynamics can drive better outcomes.

2.   130+ Templates: Discover how these insights have been translated into practical tools. Explore templates designed to enhance alignment, decision-making, and coordinated action across various business contexts.

3.   F4SS PACT Template: Michael will showcase the F4SS Partner Alignment and Collaboration Tool (PACT) template. Understand its structure, purpose, and real-world applications.

4.   Results: Get insights into the tangible results achieved through the use of the PACT template. From improved supplier relationships to streamlined project execution, Taylor will share success stories.

Join us to explore the intersection of science and business collaboration. Unlock actionable takeaways that can elevate your team’s performance!

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